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PARK TOOL DP-2 - Threaded Dummy Pedal

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Options 9/16" multi (Item# 763477002815 QKDP2) In Stock
Description An alternative to our original DP-1 Dummy Pedal, whose tapered tip was rapid to use but not as a secure as some mechanics demanded
Threaded to be used on the drive-side of a bike in a workstand, the DP-2's plastic thread will not mark or scratch brand new cranks, keeping them in showroom condition
Rotating handle takes the place of the pedal, allowing you to tune the gears without having to waste time fitting a pedal or risk catching your fingers on the chainrings
Made in the USA and covered by Park Tool's legendary limited lifetime warranty
As with any product, specification is subject to change without prior notification. You are advised to confirm current availability and specification before buying.